If a Driver is NOT getting load information, it may be due to a previous load not being closed out on the tablet or the load may not have been sent to the driver in TMW.
Follow these steps to try to resolve the issue:
Verify Connections: 1: Verify Wireless connectivity to AMG-C. The below symbol should be displayed in the top right of the tablet:2:Verify the AMG-C unit bottom light is GREEN. A BLUE light indicates the tablet is NOT connected to the AMG-C.
3: Insure the driver is signed into the tablet.
4: Verify the ELD Status symbol (Truck icon) is GREEN
**NOTE** For more information on light colors and meaning see AMG-C About knowledgebase article here:
1: Verify there are no loads still in active status on the driver's Orders screen. ->
1.a: If any previous loads are still in an active status verify the load has been completed in TMW.
1.b: Verify Connection status above.
2: Instruct Drivers to Select "Completed" in the 3 dots Menu.
2.a: If Driver receives "Load unable to complete" message once again Verify Connection status as mentioned above.
3: If connections or load information is not resolved by determining the above restart the tablet and AMG-C unit.
Restart the OT1 Devices:
1: Sign out of the Omnitracs Drive application on the Tablet
2: Hold the power button on the tablet for 2 seconds and press the Restart option
3: Pull black cover on the end of AMG-C and press and hold the reset button. Shown Here:
4: Wait 1 to 2 minutes for the AMG-C unit to boot and allow the front lower light to turn BLUE 5: Open the Omnitracs Drive App and Sign back in using your DriverID and Password